The Voice for Pensioners in the Northern Region


Older person is having blood pressure checked

Transforming Concerns Into Action

The Northern Region NPC is dedicated to promoting the welfare and interests of pensioners across the North of England. Our mission is to ensure that every pensioner enjoys dignity, respect, and financial security in retirement.

We actively engage with local MPs, organise regional rallies, and contribute to national campaigns, making sure the voices of Northern pensioners are heard at every level of government.

Building a Stronger Future Together

 With your support, the Northern Region NPC will continue to grow, strengthening our organisation and amplifying our influence as the unwavering voice of pensioners in the North.

Our Regional Achievements:

Through our focused campaigning and advocacy, we have helped secure significant benefits for pensioners in the Northern Region:

Our History

The National Pensioners Convention was founded in 1979 to unify the voices of pensioners across the UK. 

The Northern Region has always been a vital part of this movement, with a strong tradition of activism and community involvement. 

Our region has consistently led the way in pushing for changes that benefit pensioners both locally and nationally.

Learn more about the NPC by clicking the button below.

The Dedicated Advocates Behind the Northern Region NPC's Mission

Meet the Team

Regional Chair


Regional Treasurer

Vice Chair

Woman’s Officer

Assistant Secretary

Together, We Stand Strong for Every Pensioner in the Northern Region

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